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The Prisoner's Record<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n
Please join us in praying for our political prisoners and their families. \ud83d\ude4f<\/b><\/i> \ud83d\ude4f<\/b><\/i> \ud83d\ude4f<\/b><\/i>Hebrews 13:3 "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them that suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."Day 6:6Sibick, Thomas Sills, Geoffrey Slye, Mikhail Smith, Bryan (In, week of 5\/31)Smith, Charles Bradford (Out, week of 6\/16\/24)Smith, Thomas Southard-Rumsey, Audrey Speed, Hatchet -Navy ReservesSt Cyr, Yvonne Stallings, Shelly Stedman, Patrick Stevens, Tristan Strand, John Sturgeon, Isaac Swoope, RyanTaake, Andrew Taranto, Taylor - NavyTarrio, Henry Tate, Curtis Tenney, George Amos Therres, Jacob Thomas, Kenneth JosephThompson, Devlyn Todd, John GeorgeTurner, Robert (In, week of 6\/9\/2024)Vallejo, Edward Vasallo, SalvatoreWatkins, Jessica -ArmyWatson, William Waynick, JerryWaynick, MarkWebler, Matthew Webster, Thomas -AdamWeston, TuckerWhitton, Jack Williams, Riley June Wilson, Duke Woods, ShaneWorrell, Christopher -Air Force Wren, DonnieWright, John Wyatt, DouglasYetman, GregoryYoung, KyleZerkle, Jacob<\/div>\n\n